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quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011

Raman shift

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[edit] Raman shift

Raman shift are typically expressed in wavenumbers, which have units of inverse length. In order to convert between spectral wavelength and wavenumbers of shift in the Raman spectrum, the following formula can be used:

Delta w = left( frac{1}{lambda_0} - frac{1}{lambda_1} right)  ,

where Δw is the Raman shift expressed in wavenumber, λ0 is the excitation wavelength, and λ1 is the Raman spectrum wavelength. Most commonly, the units chosen for expressing wavenumber in Raman spectra is inverse centimeters (cm−1). Since wavelength is often expressed in units of nanometers (nm), the formula above can scale for this units conversion explicitly, giving

Delta w (text{cm}^{-1}) = left( frac{1}{lambda_0 (text{nm})} - frac{1}{lambda_1 (text{nm})} right) times 10^7 frac{(text{nm})}{(text{cm})} ,
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